Blog: Services

Nutrition Counselling for Pets

Good food always puts you in a good mood. Nutritional consultations are a great way to put your pets' nutritional needs first. When your pet eats well, they feel well. With the help of our veterinarians, we can create a plan tailored to their dietary and medical needs so that...

Microchipping for Pets

Microchipping your pet makes the fear of losing your pet a bit more bearable. In the unfortunate chance that your furry companion goes missing, microchips allow us to quickly identify and return them to your loving family and home. Call us at 403-249-2535 to get your pet microchipped.

Euthanasia Services for Pets

Saying goodbye to a loved one is never easy and is something you should never have to go through alone. If and when the time comes when you have to make the heartbreaking decision of whether or not to euthanize your pet, we will be here to provide support. At...

Deworming Services for Pets

Safety first is safety always. When you deworm your pet regularly, you protect them from parasites and critters that can harm their health. By building up your pet’s immune system, you deny entry to unwanted pests, so your furry friend can always feel their best. To schedule an appointment to...